Monday, July 03, 2006

What's Happening? APOSTASY!

Just recently, we have heard about the, newly elected, president of a major American church declare that she believed that God created homosexuals to love each other.... DESPITE what the Bible says about that particular sin. (1st Cor. 6:9, Deut 23:17, 1st Kings 14:24, 15:12, 22:46; 2nd Kings 23:7)

70% of that same denomination also VOTES that Christ is not the only way to Heaven. I'd imagine that the remaining 30% may not be long for that former Christian church. This anti-christian president of that PAGAN sect also claims that "our mother jesus gives birth to a new creation". Her father Satan should be substituted in that statement. The fact that she is blaspheming by calling jesus a "mother" is just a heretical by-product of their folly. The root of their problem is themselves. They are just interested in having their ears tickled, afraid of preaching the truth, confronting today's culture with issues like homosexuality. Rather than ruffle a few feathers, being the salt of the Earth, they would rather coddle their congregations for fear of losing numbers. But, what do they think these latest statements are going to do to their attendance?? The church is dying.

There is still hope for them though. The 30% who voted to reaffirm Jesus' words in John 14:6 are on the right track. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. NO ONE comes to the Father except through Me." The 30% are fighting back as they are asking the Archbishop of Canterbury to assign them a new leader, in light of the anti-christian's HERETICAL statements. Unfortunately, the odds are against them as the bible predicts a great falling away in the endtime, and that there are certain ones that God would give over to a delusion because they would not accept the truth. These people who stand for nothing are going to fall for anything. These are the types of churches who will end up joining the world religion (the Great Harlot) that the Book of Revelation speaks of.

But fear not, in the end, WE do win.