Friday, June 16, 2006

The NORTH AMERICAN UNION, the next SuperState!

Goodbye, United (Socialist) States of America. Hello, North American Union as of 2010. (What a EU wanna-be!). And goodbye, good ol' greenback, the "dollar". Hello to the "Amero."

(picture of NAFTA SuperHighway)

What is happening, people? How did we get to this point?

It now makes sense why we haven't been protecting our border. We haven't built a wall or even put together a real fence to dissuade illegals from breaking the law and crossing our borders. Why stop them when they will be all citizens of the NAU eventually?

Last year, Bush signed a deal with Vicente Fox (President, Mexico) and Paul Martin (then Prime Minister, Canada) called the "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America". There is a website that you can check out, published by our government;

Remember, this is how the European Union came into existence. Remember the European Economic Community? First it began as a financial partnership. The Euro was established. It became a social and political union. Now there is a military wing to it, the Western European Union. Was that a model for the rest of the world to follow? It seems as if it might be the case.

Have we all been asleep?

1-European Union FIND IT HERE
2-North American Union FIND IT HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE
3-African Union FIND IT HERE.
4-South America Union FIND IT HERE and HERE
5-Asian Union? (Japan, China, Hong Kong?) FIND IT HERE
6-Central Asian Union FIND IT HERE
7-South Asian Union FIND IT HERE
10-Central America (+ islands such as Cuba, Jamaica, Bahamas, and Dominican Republic)?

Admittedly, some of these are speculation, which is how you should approach this whole article.

With the way this thing is going, this could be what sets up the 10 horns spoken of in the Bible (10 SuperStates?).

If these are the 10 horns, which ones are plucked (nuked)? And why?

Is it possible that Javier Solana or whoever comes after him in his seat is the Anti-Christ? The antichrist is supposedly to come from the Revived Roman Empire. Though, if the above 10 horn scenario is the right one, the Anti-Christ will have to be the head of the U.N. Solana qualifies as the leader of the 10 horn government since he is from the EU.

The United Nations will be selecting a new Secretary-General in the next couple of months. I don't see anyone but Solana coming from the EU to run the global government.

The U.N. appointment (NOT elected office) lasts for 5 years. Usually, there is a second 5 year term. It's possible that Solana can take this office. If he is able "make peace" and pull off this nuke deal with Iran, and . He has already created a 7 year covenant (with many) that Israel signed (European Neighbourhood Policy?) and begins on January 1st, 2007 through 2013, with scheduled mid-term reviews. HELLO!

Who else would the United Nations want to head it up?

If the European Neighbourhood Policy is the long awaited and prophesied 7 year deal/tribulation, then we are looking at 2010, mid-year, as the beginnng of the Great Tribulation and 2013 as the possible return of Christ. Not setting dates! Just speculation.

Bottom Line: If this mans vaults into the position as U.N. Secretary-General from the EU shortly, then we shall know for sure who he is.


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